Dog Licenses Pittsburgh Demo

 Step 1 of 1

* Denotes a required field

Obtain a Dog License

Thank you for your interest in a City of Pittsburgh Dog License and protecting your dog! Your dog’s registration tag assists in finding your lost pet. The person who finds your dog simply calls our office at 412.255.2036 with your registration number (on your dog’s tag). We then help reunite you with your lost pet. Your dog must be registered with the city when taking it to an animal care facility that boards or provides dog daycare services.
Lost tag? Please contact the Pet License Department at 412-255-2575.
Annual dog licenses are valid from January 1st through December 31st of each year For Additional Information: 412.255.2575
*Non-City Residents should call Allegheny Count at 412.350.4111 for information.

Owner Details

Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
-- ext

Pet Information

Pet Owner Phone*
-- ext
Alteration Status*