Parks Community Survey

 Step 1 of 1

Your voice matters! The Community Survey is your opportunity to shape the future of Hill Valley's parks and recreation spaces. By participating in this survey, you contribute valuable insights that guide our efforts in creating spaces that cater to your needs and preferences. From park amenities to community events, we want to hear what matters most to you. Join us in building a community that reflects your vision. Take the survey today and let your voice be the blueprint for a brighter Hill Valley! 🏞️📝

Thank you for participating in our Community Survey! Your feedback is crucial in shaping the future of our parks and recreation spaces. This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Let's make Hill Valley a better place together!

* Denotes a required field

Section 1: Demographics (Optional)

1.1. Gender: 
1.2. Age Group: 
1.3. How long have you been a resident of Hill Valley? 

Section 2: Park Amenities

2.1. Rate your satisfaction with the current park facilities.*

Section 3: Community Events

3.1. How often do you attend community events organized by the Parks and Recreation Department?*
3.2. What types of events would you like to see more of? (Select all that apply) 

Section 4: General Feedback